Saturday, June 13, 2009

Swimming... swimming... swimming!

Wow... I swam 28 laps today which equals 3/8 mile! Woo-Hoo!


Carol said...

Woo-hoo - Woo-hoo and another Woo-hoo! That is great. I was much younger than you when I managed to do a quarter of a mile - a mere two eighths. In fact, I was 42 years old - I remember that because that is the year I quit smoking - thanks to seven year old Rich. Keep up the good work - I didn't! Mom

Richard said...

I'm confused.

3/8 of a mile == 1,980 feet.

1,980 feet divided by 28 laps == 70.7142857 feet per lap.

70.7142857 feet converted to Metric == 21.5537143 Meters per lap.

The length of the laps in 'your pool' seem very odd to me.

Are you swimming in something-other-than-a-straight-line ???

Do you wear a waterproof pedometer that is accurately measuring your watery perambulations ???

Shellie said...

Funny... I would say the sign at the pool is incorrect. Pool length is 25 yards/75 feet. They say 18 laps = 1/4 mile. In reality I now know it is only 17.6 laps! To swim 3/8 mile I only have to swim 26.4 laps... NOT 28. Oh JOY! Plus... to swim 1/2 mile is only 35.2 laps. I can do it!