Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day of the Dead in San Francisco

Belated post... many thanks to Rich and Chris for "googling" and talking me into the right area! I was stopped by a policeman just a couple blocks from the park... and "had" to watch the entire parade go by right in front of me! It was amazing! There were thousands of people, and yet I was able to find Julie, Gay, Greg, and Iris in the throngs! Amazing!

The group plus one... don't know if he was with them from the beginning or a "new" friend from the parade!
Note: I have Grandma Irene Towle's black felt hat on my head... long story... but it was with me so I wore it and thought of her!
Greg and Julie inside the altar... it was truly beautiful... when I left Greg was playing his guitar and singing with Iris... so special!
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1 comment:

Carol said...

Julie doesn't look like Julie - the hair style is so different or something. She remains absolutely darling - darlingler than ever if anything. Fun pictures!